Sunday 30 July 2017

MY LATEST OBSESSIONS(#flynnsfavourites)☀️

Hey guys it's flynn. Sorry it's been a while but let's just jump into this post. As you probably know, I don't like doing favourites so I'm going to be doing a series called #flynnsfavourites and will be spreading the hashtag on things I've been loving this past however long. They may not be very regular but I promise they will come. They will also have catagories including food,hair,fashion,tv and makeup. So anyway, the first thing on my list is...


1.Mint Aero-I've been obsessed with these for the longest time but especially recently, they're one of my favourite chocolates (hint, hint😉) 


2.Elvive-I've been loving their shampoo and conditioner they're amazing and they smell gorgeous whilst keeping my colour.


3.Charity shops/Thrift shops-I lovee going to charity shops and I recently got some amazing pieces whilst on holiday.


4.Supernatural-A friend of mine got me into it and honestly it's life changing. Go check it out if you're ready to commit to 13+ seasons!


5.Acrylics-I currently have the most gorgeous burgundy acrylic nails on done by @poutormskirk on Instagram and I'm absolutely loving them, kinda hard to type though😂

Let me know if you want any catagories adding and if you enjoyed this. I love you all, my angels!

flynnie x x x

check out the hashtag #flynnsangels on insta for more😘